Thursday, 7 April 2011

Faboulous Classical Cars Housed in Film and Television Museums

Several of the cars that have been used as the central character of a film or television show have already found their way into museums across the nation. Many of these gas-powered inventions have been so loved by visionary writers that they were even given names that identified them as special vehicles with extraordinary powers. The most famous fictional cars to appear in pop culture are Herbie, Kit, Gladys, Eleanor, and the Batmobile.

Herbie of "The Love Bug"

Herbie was one of the first racers to come from the magic of film. As he raced to fame, Herbie could do wheelies, outrun the fastest sports cars, and help his driver find love. Awkwardly, the love he finds is the girlfriend of his racing buddy. Herbie appeared in several film and television spinoffs from the late 1960s through the early 2000s.

Kitt of "Knight Rider"

Kitt was a marvelous machine equipped with the most advanced computer gadgets envisioned by the television industry. He was a sleek black car driven by Michael Knight and bound for heroic feats and derring-do. Together, the duo saved women, foiled bank robbers, and stopped a disaster that would have certainly ended the world. Kitt's on-board talking computer was famous for keeping Michael Knight in check. There was a very human quality about Kitt that rang true with his television audience.

Gladys of "My Mother the Car"

Kitt was not the first talking car to visit homes through television. Many years ago, for a short period of time, Gladys was an older vehicle inhabited by the spirit of the dead mother of Jerry Van Dyke. Any one of the many automobile museums would have been far happier to have her grace their showrooms than her son was to have her parked in his garage. The car constantly argued with her son throughout the show's short run on television.

Eleanor of "Gone in 60 Seconds"

From the jaunty jalopies that ushered in an era of fast cars to the daring young men that drove them, cars and their drivers have been the objects of legends as they sped their way to success in the film world. Eleanor ranks high within the muscle class category of collector's prizes. She's a beauty with a sleek frame and powerful engine. Before Nicholas Cage stole the iconic beauty in the movie "Gone in 60 Seconds," H.B. Halicki stole a different model with the same name in the 1974 original film.

The Batmobile

This role has been performed by numerous cars in movies and on television. The original Batmobile has resurfaced every now and then in the news, and people have speculated on its whereabouts for decades. Many car aficionados have sought it out for their own collections, but for now it rotates between multiple automobile museums. It's not a particularly attractive car, and its speed is questionable, but it holds a nostalgic place in the hearts of television viewers who first saw the caped crusader drive it in the 1960s.

Whether it's muscle cars or luxury sedans that catch your interest, great cars are on display all across the nation in automobile museums.